I received this lovely award from Lisa, Sara, Charlene and Sharron. Thanks my friends. I am so grateful to all the very talented bloggers inspire me. I have a very demanding job that has caused me to have blood pressure problems. All the wonderful blogs I visit help to take stress away. To pick only 10 that have great attitude and for me literally turn negative into something good and positive. Thanks!
Here are the rules.............
1. Put the logo (Lemonade Stand) on your blog or post. 2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude! 3. Link to your nominees within your post. 4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. 5. Share the love and link to this post with the person from whom you received your award
Andrea, who is very talented and creative, posted this on her blog. What a great idea. I had to sign up for it and put it on my blog too. I love RAKs.
This is how it goes...
The first 3 people to comment on this post & agree to Pay it Forward to 3 people on their blog will within the next 365 days ~ receive a gift of love from me in the mail !
So just leave a comment & then post about it on your blog. The first 3 people to leave you a comment & agree to pay it forward to 3 more people on their blog ~ you send them a gift !
I saw this on FamilyFun.com. I know it’s not a new idea, but I did make a GSD template for a box, instead of just wrapping the front. I also changed the Reese cups for pink caramel Kisses. Inside is a box of Sweetheart Kisses.