Well, it has taken me a while to get the hang of blogging. I would add something, only to have it disappear on me or show up in the oddest places. Katzdesignz.blogspot.com nominated me for this award and said the nicest things about me. Thank you Kat, hugz to you. My computer ability has grown so much the help of some wonderful people. So…after much thought I have come up with the recipients for my nominations and the rules:
The rules for this award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated.
And the Nominees are:
Little Bit of Everything , Sara, I really owe all this to you. You are the one that got me hooked up with pccrafter.com. Now look where it has led me. Thank you my friend.
Delightfully Digital , Thena, you are so talented. I admire you and enjoy visiting your blog often. Thanks for your caring and sharing.
Crafty Pink Palace , Shelly, I have my eye on you. I think you can do some wonderful things. You just have to go for it. Good luck with your blog.
Encouragement From My Heart Lorie, whenever I feel a little down, I visit you blog. Thank you Sistah. Hugz to you.
Over the Picket Fence Designs Betty, Your designs are lovely. Thank you for the inspiration.
Scrappyma’s Place. Charlene You make me smile. When I started GSD file you were right behind me. Without even knowing it, you gave the loving push to go forward with my template. Thanks and hugz.
7. Lisa for her future site. She is busy creating a baby right now, which falls right in to why she is my last choice. I could have nominated so many others, but her designs are unbelievable. I will be giving you an update when her blog is ready. It will be something to see.
This is so many wonderful places I visit on a regular bases. I will be adding to my list of favorites…. As soon as I figure out how to add to the list… he he he … without deleting it. So please keep watching.